Tuesday, May 27, 2008
The Hot Pink Cast
Monday, May 26, 2008
Broken Bones and a Dance Recital
It has been a crazy weekend for the Akards! Let me back up a bit to earlier in the week. I was a little stressed because Grace's dance class kiddos didn't really know their routines (the recital was last night). The moms held an additional practice, just to let the kids go over the routines a couple more times. Grace would sometimes do the steps, but mostly she just sat there and refused to do anything. I was getting a little upset. Then God started convicting me. Hello Tam, she's only 3 (almost 4). It's not about you. This is supposed to be fun for Grace. I also was paranoid all last week that Grace was going to catch that yucky virus going around. If she caught that, she wouldn't be able to perform. Once again, convicted that it's not about me. Fast forward to Friday night. We went to my friend Kimberly's surprise 40th b-day party! I love that girl! We've been friends for a long time! We had a blast! Great food, beautiful location...Kimberly was very surprised!!!! Around 8:30 we were set to head out. Grace and the other kids were playing basketball with a soccer ball. Cute. The soccer ball went down the hill and Grace was darting for that precious rebound! She got it all right, but slipped on the ball and fell backwards, catching herself with her wrist. Little did we know, that she broke her wrist in two places. She started crying and just wouldn't stop. We thought the fall just scared her and she was probably tired. We loaded the kids up in the van and headed home. Grace continued to cry, which is unlike her. When we got home, I coaxed her into the bath tub and washed her hair. I needed to get those sponge rollers in her hair for the dance walk-through in the morning. She wouldn't stop crying. She wouldn't tell us what was wrong. Keith looked at her wrist and the swelling had set in. He looked at me and said, "We need to go to the ER." So, I called Mom and Dad and they came over to be with Alex. We made that dreaded trip to Children's Hospital. They took some "pictures," of her wrist and then the doctor came in and said..."I think I know what happened, but let's be optimistic." She went to look at the x-rays and yep, two broken bones in the wrist. Just think...both Keith and I made it through college athletics without a broken bone. Go figure. Praise the Lord, it was just a hairline fracture. She has a temp cast on right now and will get a real cast on in the next couple of days.
So, God taught me to relax (among other things)! I was stressing over silly stuff that I had no control over. Even if they just ran around the stage, it still would be cute! I was excited to hear that Grace could dance in the recital, if she wanted to. I wasn't going to push it, it was her decision. Not about me and what I want.
Grace decided to go for it! She has been so amazing this weekend. She hasn't complained once. She even made it to the dance tech block at 9 a.m. Saturday morning. What a trooper! The rehearsal was a long one Saturday night too, but she did wonderful on stage. She looked so sweet with that wrapped up arm, twirling around like a beautiful ballerina! I also want to thank my sister! Jenny was amazing this weekend. She filled in for me as Grace's "stage aunt," because Keith and I were filming the recital for the studio. She did a great job! Thanks Jen. The actual recital was pretty fun! Grace did amazing in both numbers. She got to dance with Keith in her "Got No Strings, " number. First recitals for both Keith and Grace! Her Jasmine routine was cute too! She did a little mini-solo that was adorable. The entire time, she had the Grace smile on her face. My heart melted! Great job, baby! Don't worry...we didn't tell her to break a leg! I'll be posting pictures soon. I need to get them from folks! Thank you God for teaching me to chill and that Your ways are much better then mine! Thanks for letting her dance in her first recital last night!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Day Out with Thomas
A couple of weekends ago, we made the trip to Chattanooga to spend a day with Thomas the Tank Engine! We had a blast! Alex LOVES Thomas and friends!!! Loves them! We had a blast. Thankfully, the rain stopped, so it made it much more enjoyable. The kids got Thomas and Percy tattoos, played with the train tables, petted the animals in the petting zoo and even met Sr. Topham Hat! The big event of the day, was to ride Thomas. All aboard! Okay, so we were in a coach, but Thomas pulled us! The kids loved it. What a neat family experience!
Preschool Promotion
Grace just finished her first year of preschool! She absolutely loved it! She can write her name, say the Pledge of Allegiance and even sign/sing Awesome God! Her teacher was Mrs. Patti and she was the perfect fit for Grace! Last night we went to the promotion ceremony. The kids sang songs and entertained us all! So cute!
Grace's First Dance Recital
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Shake and Bake

Yes, I finally have an official family blog! I'm so excited! I decided to start the big project b/c I recently found out that you can print these babies (thanks Tracie)!!! Gone is my hobby of buying scrapbook stuff that just sits in my craft corner collecting dust! I'm now an official blogger!! Shake and Bake, baby. Yes, that is a quote from Talladega Nights and "that just happened."
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