Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Asher's First Birthday!

The smell was just too much!

My little birthday man!

Love those baby blues!

Lunch with Daddy!

I'm so stinkin' cute. No, seriously...
I have a poopie!

I'm walking!!!

My first birthday party! Perry-theme!

Asher is one!! I can't believe it, but my baby is one! Crazy. It has been a great year. Love this little man! He is so happy (that's what Asher means)! However, he does not like to sleep. He started taking his first steps a week or so before his first birthday! Now, you can't keep up with him! We had a fun day at the zoo, lunch with Daddy and had a family party for him. So much fun. Happy 1st birthday, Asher! We love you!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Alex's Fun

Alex's preschool Valentine's Day party was cut short b/c of snow. So, they saved the ice cream for the next week! Alex is really loving his class! He loves his friends and his teacher! Grace got to participate too and Alex had no problem sharing his fun with her! I'm a blessed mom!

Pep Moms Retreat 2010

2 of my sweet boys!

Monica and Tiffany w/me!

I heart my family!

I love retreats! They are a time to get away and just relax! Well, not so much for me this year! Tiffany and I were in charge of all the planning! The River Lodge at Hidden Mountain played host to the big weekend and what a blast we had! My friend Jana Spicka was our speaker and our ladies really had a life-changing weekend! Pep Moms has a no-nursing baby rule for retreat, so I got my own cabin and had Keith come up and keep Asher. Grace and Alex joined us Saturday night, so they got to have a good time too! I'll post pics of our afternoon adventure later (go carts and mini golf)! The weather was amazing and God took care of all the details for us! I love Pep Moms!

Alex's Swim Lessons

Super Belly Flop!

We signed Alex up for his first set of private swimming lessons this year! Kendall was his teacher and she did an excellent job teaching Alex to swim in 4 lessons! After trying on 5 or 6 different pairs of goggles, we finally found a pair that worked. He looked so stinkin' cute! He had no issues with putting his face in the water, so he was good to go! Alex totally melted me when he kept looking over at me! He wanted to make sure that I was watching!!! I love that boy!! Alex, we are so proud of you!

Aunt Aya's Condo

Wonders never cease or is it patience pays off?? Aya finally got the condo that she's been waiting for and she finally ordered that furniture she's been wanting! We are very excited for her! The kids love to visit b/c she has a ton of little people toys! Congrats Aya!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Princess Grace

Just a couple of cute pics of my Gracie! She loves to dance and to play with her American Girl doll. She's growing up so fast!

Date Night with the Kids!

Lots of volume and body!

Nap before dinner with Mommy!

Last Friday, Grace had a hot date with Daddy! Our church hosted a Father-Daughter dance! It was the sweetest thing and Grace and Daddy had a blast! Mommy took Alex out to dinner and to Toys R Us! We had such a good time too!!! Asher kept it cool with Gram and Pop.


Listening to Coach Summitt

Gotta love those statues!

Last Thursday was National Women in Sports Day, so the kids and I took a field trip to the Women's Basketball Hall of Fame! We had the place to ourselves! After a short film describing the history of the game, we took the tour of the hall. The kids thought it was cool, but all they wanted to do was play in the rec area! Good times!