Christmas morning @ Gram's and Pop's
No sleeping for Asher...present time!

Alex's two favs: dinos and match box cars!
Gram made the bedding for Grace's American
Girl doll's bed! How sweet and creative!
Aunt Jen and Asher...
These guys think they are hilarious!

Testing out my new portrait lens (my big gift)!!

Christmas Dinner! Prime rib to thank our
free babysitters!!! You all ROCK and save
us lots of money!
Keith with Nana and Aya!

We have our Christmas traditions around here. We start out the morning with the kids opening up our gifts. We then head over to Grandma and Paw Paws to open more presents. After the gifts are opened, we enjoy Pop's famous crepes and I enjoy a big mug of hot coffee! Then it's back home to rest. This year, we cooked the prime rib for Christmas dinner. This is a new tradition started last year. We use the Paula Dean no-fail recipe and it is so yummy. The meat cooks all day practically and it is so yummy! We invited our babysitters to say thanks for all the time spent with our kids...for free! We are very blessed to have family in town. Merry Christmas!