Monday, July 28, 2008
Bon Bons
Kids in a Candy Store
The Dump
No, we don't have trash pick up. Yes, I grew up with it and I'm annoyed with the piles of stinky trash that outline my garage. Yes, I nag my husband constantly about it. No, we probably will never have trash pick up again. If we have a truck, why waste 20 bucks on pick up (right Babe)? It's really not that bad and I appreciate the money saved. I try not to complain, but sometimes it's hard to load the kids in the van. However, my kids LOVE to go to the dump with Daddy. Seriously, they do! I hope my kids always stay this easy to entertain. You know, when they are 16 and 14 I'm sure they will still love to ride in Daddy's big blue truck and go to the dump! Maybe I'm living in a fantasy world, maybe one with trash pickup????
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Knocked Out
Hey folks! We had a great time shooting the wedding yesterday. It was a long day, but we got great shots. My old roomie knocked it out of the ball park with her singing. I'm sure she impressed the 3 or 4 recording artists from Nashville that were there! Before the ceremony, I get cut aways of the guests right before the ceremony starts. I zoomed in on this one dude, and I was like that is Chris Rice! Sweet! He so caught me and I turned the camera away. I love his music! I was knocked out sick today. Glad it didn't happend yesterday!!!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Mommy Confessions

Yes, I admit I'm not a morning person. I do stay up late most nights editing, but even when I'm not working, I still can't go to bed until late. So, mornings aren't fun for me. When Alex wakes up, he just climbs in my bed for snuggle time. Grace joins the fun too. I know some folks say NO KIDS in the bed, but I cherish this snuggle time. So much so that I fall back asleep while the kids watch playhouse Disney. Seriously, I do love that snuggle time but a mom needs her sleep. Alex will eventually wake me back up by saying, "Mom, I want to eat." Then I start my day. This morning was extra sweet. Alex leaned over to Grace and said, "I love you." Grace said, "I love you too." What a special moment, thank goodness I was awake!
Morning Fun
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tough Lesson
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Let's Play!
My Pep Moms group had a playdate this morning. The kids had a blast. Grace loved the grocery area and the dress up/fashion show stage. Alex liked the trains and tool stuff. After the play, we grabbed lunch with Grace's best bud, Isaac. Alex took a late nap!
Oh, to be cool!
Teacher, Teacher
Monday, July 14, 2008
What to do.
I just had to put this last pic on the blog for kicks and giggles! How many of you ladies have ever asked your husbands to move something? I'm sure most of you. Sometimes they will do it right away, other times they forget about it. Well, Keith changed out our front garage's AC unit a few weeks ago. He decided to put the old unit right by the van (inside the garage) just for a temp location. He warned me not to scratch my legs on the AC unit. Yes, it was practically inside the van! Let me just tell you how many times I cut my leg on that thing! Every time I did so, I fussed at Keith...when are you going to move that thing!!!!!! Yesterday, I had enough. After scratching my leg once again, I threatened...if this thing isn't gone tonight, it's going outside in the yard!!!!!! I don't think Keith took me seriously. Well, it remained in the garage today and my sister-in-law cut herself on it. Keith finally removed it, hence I took this picture b/c it was a big moment for me! FYI, I'm exaggerating a bit.
It's Done!!!
Yes, he will have a spot!
After a few long weekends, the play structure is complete! I'm so proud of Keith for getting this bad boy project finished! It was quite a task! Thanks to Big Daddy for all his help too! We love you, man! What fun our kids will have with this big toy! I'm already freakin' out a bit. Alex fell out of the swing tonight. Thankfully, Keith semi-caught him and protected his head. He was so fine, thanks to Daddy breaking his fall. Grace enjoyed making sand angels. I'm not a big fan of the sand box, but the kids sure love it and that is all that matters!
We went to Dollywood on Sunday and it was HOT! What happened to that rain? Now I know why I hardly used our passes last summer. We had fun. Can't wait unil it cools down. We did all the normal kiddie stuff and then let the kids play in the big fountains. Good times!
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