Daddy's girl!
I love this picture!

Last Saturday night, we had a family date night. Dinner out and then fun at the Splash Pad. However, Grace ran into a little boy that wasn't so nice. I noticed the two arguing over one of the fountains, it was under control so I turned away. Next thing I know, Grace is running up to me saying, "That boy called me an idiot....(long pause) he didn't know my name was Grace." My heart sank and smiled at the same time. My mind raced. Here's a teachable moment, do something with it. All I could think to say was "Grace, next time someone calls you a name, just tell them that Jesus loves me!" The next morning at church, something hit me. God is cool like that. If my kids truly believe that Jesus loves them, then they can fight off any mean thing that is said to them. God loves Grace so much that He sent His son to die for her. God did that for us all! He loves all of us that much. Crazy huh? So, if Grace believes that truth that Jesus loves her, she can totally handle a silly kid calling her a name. She is not an idiot. She is a child who is loved by a pretty AWESOME God and her family too! That trumps a kid at the splash pad anyday.
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