This is Alex checking out the fireworks after he
experienced his first Vols TD!
Did I mention that it was hot? Alex (like the rest of us)
was pretty sweaty! So, I spiked his hair a bit!
After the game, dinner at the Tomato Head!

Alex's first UT football game was a neat experience! We had great seats and he was such a champ. This 2-year-old outlasted most Vols fans! Even though our team lost, we are still HUGE fans! The Vols play in the best football conference in the country and we will cheer our team on through the good and the bad. We'll be back on top soon. Go Vols! It really is great to be a Tennessee Vol!
Glad to see Alex had fun... despite the outcome! I'm sure this is just his first of many games! He's such a cutie!!
Glad you all had fun. There are still 8 eight games left to play. I'm upset too, but now yet ready to throw in the towel.
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