Love the uniform!

Grace's spot!
Alex wants to stay!
Getting started right away! No tears Mommies.
I wasn't the only one with a camera!

I can't believe it! My baby, my first-born started Kindergarten this week! We were so excited for Grace! She is attending Paideia Academy. Grace goes to school on M/W/F and I home school her on T/TRs. It is a nice blend for us! I really enjoy being involved in her education. However, Paideia is a very challenging school! I think I will be getting a new education! Grace loves her class and classmates! Her teacher is Mrs. Satterfield and I think she is perfect for Grace. It also helps that Grace's best bud since birth, Isaac is in her class! Grace, it is my prayer for you that God blesses your school year! You are so smart and I want you to soak everything up!!!! Way to go Grace!
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