Saturday, November 21, 2009

Fall Photo Shoot 09-Tracie Ancelet, Photographer

Introducing the Ash Man!

Our first "new" family portrait!

We have 3 kids, wow!

Grace worked the camera!

Alex worked it too...

We hired photographer, friend, and fellow life-grouper, Tracie Ancelet to shoot our family portrait! Yes, I was thinking Christmas card and updated pics for our big frames around the house! Tracie did a great job and we got some great pics out of the shoot! The kids did great and Asher was quite the young model himself! Can't wait to blow these babies up! All these images were taken by Tracie!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Grandparent's Day at Paideia

Grace and Big Daddy

Grace and Nana

Grandma and Paw Paw

Paideia Academy hosts a Grandparent's Day each year! It's a time for the kids to celebrate and honor their Grandparents! Each grade did a little presentation and then they got to show off their classrooms! It was a fun event for everyone!

Dad Turns 60!!

Paw Paw (aka Pop) turned 60 this month! He still works out a ton and frequents the Fresh Market. We celebrated by Mom fixing a delicious dinner and the kids opening up Pop's presents for him. Notice the kids are in costume. Got to love Grandmas! Happy 60th Birthday Dad! You are looking great for your age!!! haha

Halloween Fun...

A visit to Daddy's work....

A trip to Ritas!

Trick-or-treating in Farragut with friends...

Finding Nemo!!!

There he is! Nemo found his Daddy!

Halloween was interesting this year. On Friday, I took the kids to visit Daddy at work! Then I got this adventuresome bug in me and attempted to take all 3 kids to the trick-or-treating event out in Farragut. Not the best idea! God was looking out for me though because on my way out to Watt Road, I discovered that my dear friend Kimberly was taking her 2 boys out for some fun! I asked if she would meet us at the event! When we got there, I ran into my friend Nicole and her family! I have the best friends in the world, b/c Kimberly and Nicole helped me so much!! Asher was screamming and I was freaking out b/c the mosquitoes were absolutely everywhere! We survived the element and then packed up the van to head to dinner. Just my luck, a wreck on the interstate and we got to listen to Asher scream his head off for 20 minutes straight and not a thing I could do about it! Whew, long day but thankful for my friends! It rained on Halloween night, so Keith and my mom just took the kids around her neighborhood. Dad helped with Asher and then we watched the Vols kick some booty that night!

Halloween Eve, Eve

Hannah Montana

Tony Stewart

KDW Dance Class

Alex and his dance BFF, Harrison!

Way too much sugar being passed out!

Every Halloween, Grace's dance class has a little party! This year the moms brought some yummy treats! One of Grace's class helpers even made an owl out of a moon pie. I'm copying that one for next year! Good times!

Alex's Pajama Day

Instead of dressing up in Halloween costumes, Alex's preschool hosted a pajama day! Bub wore his new Batman pjs and slippers to school. Pretty neat, he just crawled right out of bed and was ready for school! The teachers made pancakes for breakfast and the kids just enjoyed a relaxing, fun day of school!