A visit to Daddy's work....
A trip to Ritas!
Trick-or-treating in Farragut with friends...
Finding Nemo!!!
There he is! Nemo found his Daddy!

Halloween was interesting this year. On Friday, I took the kids to visit Daddy at work! Then I got this adventuresome bug in me and attempted to take all 3 kids to the trick-or-treating event out in Farragut. Not the best idea! God was looking out for me though because on my way out to Watt Road, I discovered that my dear friend Kimberly was taking her 2 boys out for some fun! I asked if she would meet us at the event! When we got there, I ran into my friend Nicole and her family! I have the best friends in the world, b/c Kimberly and Nicole helped me so much!! Asher was screamming and I was freaking out b/c the mosquitoes were absolutely everywhere! We survived the element and then packed up the van to head to dinner. Just my luck, a wreck on the interstate and we got to listen to Asher scream his head off for 20 minutes straight and not a thing I could do about it! Whew, long day but thankful for my friends! It rained on Halloween night, so Keith and my mom just took the kids around her neighborhood. Dad helped with Asher and then we watched the Vols kick some booty that night!
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