Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Canning Apple Butter

G wanted to eat the entire jar!

Sterilizing the jars, a must!

Almost done, smells great!

We made apple butter for the first time this week!  After our trip to North Carolina, we had two big bags full of apples to use!  My friend Cindy gave me detailed canning instructions.  I was so excited to try it out and a bit nervous!  Keith did the peeling, coring, and slicing of the apples.  The kids helped of course, they were so into it!  Alex made Keith stick his tongue out while peeling, hilarious!  We threw a ton of apples into the crockpot, some went into the dehydrater, I frooze a bag and then I even made an apple crisp.  Yes, our house smelled like apples!  The apples cooked in the crock pot overnight and were ready for me in the afternoon to can the apple butter.  I did it all by myself, yes I'm proud.  This is huge!  The end result, awesome home-made apple butter!

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